Nitty's Birthday | Bohemian Dream Inspired Birthday Party

Nitty's Birthday- Bohemian Dream Birthday- Lake Illawarra-151.jpg

Nitty's Birthday

Bohemian Dream

What a day! You know that friend that is always there if you need them, the one whose always there to lend a hand, or support your crazy ideas. The friend that is super talented at a plethora of things, who can do an amazing job at anything they put their mind too? Well that is my friend Nitty. A florist, an artist, a singer, a stylist and an all round beautiful human being and friend. 

We spent the afternoon celebrating her birthday in style, along the shores of Lake Illawarra, as the sun set over the mirror-like lake, listening to music, grazing on food and enjoy the company of other beautiful souls. 

As the evening went on, we sat mingling under the stars and enjoyed listening to the angelic voices of Tania Nguyen and Blessie Pica

Happy birthday Nitty! I hope you had the most amazing time, because I know I did! 

Alana xx



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